Hire smarter, grow faster.
Build a winning team faster and more efficiently with our innovative AI-powered recruiting and hiring solution. is a software solution for real estate teams looking to hire and recruit that can be added seamlessly into your Brivity Platform.
More agents, more profit.
Recruiting matters. Adding just a few agents to your team can massively increase profit. See for yourself!
Based on an average of one deal a month per agent with median sale price of $400,000, 3% commission, and a 50% GCI split
We understand Hiring is hard
We make real estate recruiting easier.
Recruiter does everything you need so you can spend time signing more agents and adding necessary staff to support your business growth.
Problem: high turnover rates
ABR: Always be recruiting
With AI job refresh, makes it easy to maintain a constant flow of potential candidates by keeping job posts active and up-to-date, ensuring you never miss out on top talent.

Problem: Difficult to track
Track candidates + engagement
Maintain clear visibility of your recruitment funnel, ensuring that no talent slips through the cracks by tracking candidate status and engagement throughout the hiring process.

Problem: Time-consuming process
Get your time back
Automation and AI enable you to post jobs, market your openings, and screen and follow up with candidates in half the time, thanks to’s cutting-edge all-in-one solution.

Problem: Limited Talent Pool
Reach the highest quality applicants
Leverage our partnerships with major job sites to reach a wider pool of candidates, and utilize market data to understand the caliber of talent in your pipeline.

Trusted by Top Teams
Attract, engage, and hire the best
Easily expand your real estate team with AI-powered recruitment.
Beat the rest and hire only the best. Embrace the future of recruiting with
Recruit Easier
Use AI to craft and post job openings in seconds
From writing compelling job descriptions to adding the right screening questions, AI will save you time so you can net more candidates.
Recruit Further
Expand your reach and hire only the best talent for your team
We’ve partnered with LinkedIn, Indeed, and over 100 other job boards to make sure your job posts reach top real estate candidates in your area.
Official ATS Partners with Indeed & Linkedin
Recruit Stronger
Effortlessly market job posts
With our dynamic AI-powered templates at your fingertips, it’s easier than ever to cultivate a real estate recruiting presence online that attracts the perfect candidates.

Recruit Faster
AI job refresh to boost visibility
Keep your jobs up-to-date with AI job refresh to attract top talent by maximizing exposure.
recruit Smarter
Track candidates + job stats to optimize recruiting
Detailed stats and analytics help you enhance your real estate recruitment strategy, improving your hiring efficiency and effectiveness.

Recruit Smoother
Automate follow-up so you never miss an opportunity
Use customizable follow-up plans and communication triggers to free your time up for recruiting appointments and closing deals.
recruit Better
Find and hire top talent using market data
Learn more about your candidates by reviewing agent stats to recruit top talent and find out how you can take them to the next level.

Recruit Sharper
AI-Generated reports for instant talent insights
Instantly compare applicants to job requirements with AI-powered Talent Insights – including a concise summary, suggested interview questions, and a skills breakdown to help you build a winning team.